Monday, December 7, 2009


third offday of mine

went out for a movie with May x)
thx for accepting my unreasonable demands xO

mom tagged along
she said she's bored at home lolx
fine~im ok with tat xD

I suggested her to watch another movie =X
cause i tot she didnt watch the first episode b4
but then
it came out tat
she did watched the first wan b4!!!! lolx
with US
opppsssyyy xO
i've forgotten =X
forgive me for my short term memories~~
we went for the same movie at last x)


the cinema was warm at first
but getting colder after the movie starts
i should bring my sweater = =

i've read some not-so-good-comments about it
but after me watching it today
I feel tat its nice~
Still loving it x)

a little in love with Jacob
Edward too of corse~ xD
n alice~~~~
still so beatiful n elegant~~
love love love

thx for da lift back x)

oh ya
I've finally sign up Facebook to kill my boredness
last night
last last night?perhaps
watever~no differents xD

pening kepala I
not very used to fb @@
jz for fun x)

add me ya hehe
Crystal Ong
is my name xD

07.12.09 10.30pm

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