Wednesday, November 18, 2009


first day full shift x)
reached BO at 9.30am
clean up our own counter than gathered at cashier
first time briefing =D
so funny larrrr
I tot briefing should b very serious n tension
it turns out tat it was very relax =)
learned about exchange policy n Padini cheer ^^
we hav a little ice breaking before start to work

today met so many ppl~
Qi came n hav break wit me xOO
H.Woon aso joined
paiseh~wan u all see me eat only tim =X
then Faliq the gang passed by
going bowling~
tak ajak pun..ishhhhh xD
met Melissa jie too =)

so blurrr today
I ordered a RM4.00 nasi goreng
but i took other ppl's RM5.50 dish~~
the kakak look so frustrated xD
n i forget to pay more as she tell me to =X
sry ya kak xD
dinner break hav chicken cheese puff n ice cream =)
damn lor~almost everyday ice cream = =
today's spending for two breaks = RM9.00

I wanna complain complain complain~xDD
complain customer lolx
baru baru melipat baju
berpaling muka je~berselerak pula
cant u all polite a bit~~
very sakit hati de lorrr *sigh*

met a customer wit umpleasent smell = =
Kak Mal so clever~~
imedeately run away n hide in the locker
left me alone to serve the costumer
so bad larrrr lolx

after the customer leave
we all gossip about it xD
talk so many nonsense lolx
laugh until stomachache xD
Uncle Robert: itu bau roti canai~ *WTH?!*
Kak Mal: itu bau ketiak lar pak cik = =
Kak Nani: busuk~~
Crystal: pungent smell @@ mcm manyak manyak busuk punya black pepper xDDDD

n the conclusion for the particular smell is~~~
ewwww = =

forget about it

finally finished my full shift~~
$$$ lai lai lai~~=D
luckily I wore the sport shoes tat aunty buy from U.S
leg didnt feel so tired ^^

tomorow full shift too
no time prepare my sushi d =(
I nid to use money again T.T
nvm la nvm la~
earn it back earn it back xOO
wat a dumb way to confort myself zzz

when u see my face hope it gives u hell
hope it gives u hell~~~

keep singing n listening these song xDDD
gives u hell~~~~

continue gambade for spm frenz =)
oya ^^

18.11.09 11.58pm

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