Thursday, November 19, 2009


padini cheer lead by Ilmi
semangat gile xD
ice breaking for today - transfer msg
break into three groups~
thn Mr.Raymond write a confusing sentence for us to transfer lolx

original :Saya nak satu apple jus,tak nak apple merah nak apple hijau,
dua set roti bakar,satu more kaya less butter
milo dua satu kurang susu
telur rebus nak dua~satu separuh masak satu lagi masak penuh

our answer:Apple juice,nak merah tak nak hijau~roti bakar

conclusion for us :
ada speed tak da tepat xD

Kak Ida:Milo Crystal tertumpah semasa lari ya~
Crystal: ^^'' yela tu..milo tertumpah..dah lupa xD
actually we can win~but i forgot about the milo already lolx
kay..done for ice breaking today~

brought mee goreng n sushi for lunch n
dinner break
who knows~
when Im having lunch break~
I notice tat
theres so many tiny little ants tat conquer my mee goreng!!!!!!
= = habis
have sushi for lunch zzzz
*thx to mommy xO

wit Qi n Zi at popular
chit chat a while
back to work again

dinner break
so frustrated
I only brought RM5
after buying mineral,
RM4 left
duno wat to mee T.T
Kak Nani suggested
to eat sweet corn
i agreed
but then~
after knowing tat theres
promotion for 1901 today
i decided to buy hotdog xD

RM4 for one set of bread + orange juice
just enough for me =D
thank God
Amen =)

people i met today:
Dayang & Azimah
looking for part time..
too bad i cant help xO
her mom cant recognise me wit specs xD
until I take down my specs lolx
Sue Ann =)
my kindergarden junior~~haha
so happy tat she still remember my full name lolx

morning shift tomorow
everything will be fine =)
God bless




19.11.09 11.30pm

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