Saturday, November 14, 2009


first day working =)
woke up quite late
feel kinda tired
do everything in slow motion xD
until Im late to take bus 囧

reached AP right on time
Kak Yati gave me the uniform,n lead me to the counter
Kak Eryn =)
my very first fren
introduce every staff,n custom for me
they are so so friendly~!
totally out of my imagination
i tot i would hav be very very boring n cant cope with them xO
but then~
it came out quite gd ^^

Im the first n only 16 yrs old staff at there ler~~~x
bangga gile xDD

*Crystal =)

met many new friends
n many many more
still cant remember all names xO
giv me some time ya =)

Jeremy looked so happy cause im the only one could speak chinese with him
chatting while keep arranging clothes to wait for dinner break xD

break together with them at 5pm
went San Fransico~~~~~~~~~~~~
punya mamak xDD

*the 3 kind gentle men x)

we saw a car nearby
the driver was stuck in the middle
well um
not middle lar~slighty middle
so the guys went out n giv a hand
after helping the driver pushed the car aside
a guy ran towards the car with a bottle of petrol
"alamak~tak de petrol?! org yg bantu pun tak de muka dah!!"

back to counter
continue chatting xD
more people tertipu with my INNOCENT face d~xDDDD
"u look so quiet,lik those gd girl lor..wont ponteng wont paktor tat wan"
fuiyoh~im so quiet~~~gd girl somemore~~
i hope i wont break ur impression within one week xDD

i had a great start for work today ❤
jz tat my leg pain until paralysed as it hurts so badly yesterday
after wearing the high heels *sigh*
n theres abit complain i wanna speak out =X
about the working time
Part time can only work for 145 hours per month
tak syok lorrrr =3=
salary fixed
haiz =(

nvm~watever it is
enjoy my job for now =)

a uniform look as full stop of tis post x)

14.11.09 11.55pm


  1. 你一個禮拜工作幾天?時間是?

  2. 8个小时吧,有morning/noon shift
    也有full shift 10个半小时
