Monday, May 20, 2013

我没有轰轰烈烈的爱情 却有一颗温暖我的心。


Sunday, May 19, 2013


1 分钟可以发生很多事情。

想了些日子 还是打算把它记下 当作为自己的警惕吧
看着一个个分享贴 什么抢劫强奸非礼
时时告诉自己要小心 大吉利事遇到的话要怎样
可是当事情发生的时候 一个不steady就是防不了

就在车场吧 要回去staff entrance的时候
一脸宅男的男子 向我问路 自称是从美国回来的
很热情地讲阿讲的 还伸出手说 Nice to meet you
看在礼仪上我也伸出手示好 一切都很正常 真的 一个斯斯文文的人 真的没什么不妥
至到他捉住我的手 亲了下去
他一直跟着一直说话 车场里空空的没有人 使得我也没敢走近里面的走廊只能沿着车子快步行走 可他跟得紧逼手臂都贴在我手臂了他妈的恶心 还斗胆搂我的肩!!!!
脑袋一直很空白 很担心很怕他会把我推上哪辆车子还是拿出可以手帕之类的
直到纠缠到了 staff entrance 门口 门口有2层楼梯没有cctv
他伸出手说什么 anyway nice to meet you 一心想打发他 结果脑进水的竟然伸出手 给这变态趁机会一把把我抱了过去!!! 他妈的恶心到了极点!!!!!!!!!!!!

事发后还是脑袋一片空白 再慢慢回想才觉得自己死蠢到了无药可救的地步
很多可以避免的 就是不够steady 死蠢的才让人有机可趁 想起来就想撞墙
男友 朋友都说这次当个教训 不是我的错
可是我真的觉得自己很有错 不够冷静 脑筋不够快 错得离谱

security 再严 也防不了这种斯文败类!!!!!!
一定要小心小心冷静冷静 遇到事情....要跑!!!!


Friday, May 17, 2013

508 - Black Perhimpunan

              Months before election started, newsfeed started to flood with all kinds of info about PR and BN. BN had ruled for 55 years, have you not know about the corruption? Have you not see how this government works? Or you just choose to think 'It's none of my business. Every party is "eats" money. Whatever. I just live my life with what I have. Close one eye lah, you help me I help you.' Right, you help me I help you. Really? Everything happens now affects your own future. I have friends telling me, they don't want BN to lose because they want their loan, if BN loses they are done with their studies. No more future. My question is, if you have your ptptn now, finish your studies in few years time, you think that this is your secure; your future. But, have you heard of jobless graduates on the streets? You think your future is secured? No, you get your certificate, yet losing a bright future. We are exposed to the internet, world wide. No longer covered under the mainstream medias. With all kinds of negative events we've gone through under BN's govern, why not step out to change? Why not give PR a chance? That is my first thought, after all the exposure on Facebook and people.

               I do not understand politics, trust me. I learn from friends, from the web. Try to analyse what I've read, try to figure it out what is exactly happening now, in our country. Even till now, am still blur with the issues revealed. One thing I am sure, is how unfair GE13 was done. Everyone, well at least almost everyone on my Facebook were swearing, complaining, sharing statuses; links; photos. Changing their profile picture and cover photos to black, whole Facebook turns black within 15 minutes. People are disappointed. Then, comes the criticizes, condemns, protests and so on. Issue of racist being raised, rumors, denials unidentified, ext-ext. People discussed about vigorously, violently, patriotically. But, does things change if we just sit before computer? No, we have to show the government what we think!

               Everyone is worried about riots. If everyone fear and hide in their houses, these perhimpunan would be a failure. Thus, I choose to show my support, my rights by attending perhimpunan hitam. I am 20 years old, I have no votes nor stand in any party. I just want a better future for our country. GE13 does not show how democratic is Malaysia, but how Malaysians come as one. No matter how the results are, no matter they succeed to reelect or not, at least we have done what we can do. What is left to do, is pray. Pray for the government and Malaysia.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

当一只饿得疯了的狗向你狂吠 你觉得光站在远处对它大喊 不要吠了求你不要吠了
它  会静吗?
受不了了 可以选择转身走  狗看不见你自然就不会对你吠了 
不用紧的 因为狗吠不是你的错 真的不是你的错 是狗自己饿了 是狗的错把你吠走了 


住再近 也没什么意思  真的

Saturday, May 4, 2013

有时阿 不 常常阿 事情越容易达到的 就会更高期盼它能达到 可是它却永远那么难达到 不管自己闹了多少回 达不到就是达不到

耐性 就是我的弱点

远距离很难 期盼没那么高 失望自然就不会高呗 是那样就不用一味自残残人了
消化不来 过不去就是过不去 过不去就是难过 你本领装个一万年我学不会。