Monday, November 9, 2009


having Bio,chem paper 1 n Sivik
everyone studying
structure habis d larrrrr
paper1 tembak jerrr lolx
chat wit Yoke kwan
gossip about others =X
say u lar~you~you~n you~~~xD
chat until exam starts
bio ok lar
chem very tough
sivik didnt really read those question,simply answer lolx

went AP to hand in my results
then went popular
suddenly feel lik eating
struggles between Korea food n Spicy Mcdeluxe
who asked my mom ate mine yesterday T.T
the winner goes to~~~
Spicy McDeluxe xD

choose the seat as usual
watching the rain
began to feel emo again =X
damn it
jz hav a bad feeling in a sudden
bout the job *sigh*

ntg to do
play with french fries lolx


*dun ask y,dun ask who,dun ask wat
its juz simply ILY =)

so tired so moody
yet i cant hav a nice nap = =
followed mom to her church to attend classes
a personality test,let us know more about ourselves
can lead us choosing more suitable courses/jobs in the future
quite interesting n the test is 99% accurate lolx

cant hold my temper back today
really really bad mood!!!
feel lik wanna kill someone = =

bad mood,beware of volcano


09.11.09 11.50pm

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