Sunday, October 22, 2017

Favorite love.

"Barney and Robin is my favorite couple."

I even cried when Robin said yes. It was beautiful.


"Because they are both fucked up, lost and found."

"Sounds familiar. Just like us."

"That's why I love them."

And I love you.

我也好想解脱 可是我内心好多恨意 多得可怕 多得想你不得好死
真的好可怕 可是当知道你不好过的迹象实现的时候 心里恶魔的欢呼是身体每个细胞都在深深感受良好的感觉 任由黑暗吞噬恨的每一部分 战战兢兢却刺激甚至窃喜
我以为时间可以淡忘 but its getting deeper darker 

小幸运大庆幸的是 有个不嫌弃我这么黑暗一面的人守着

我害怕这样的自己 我也想放下一切


"He is why we are now, it's destiny. He is just a path of how we come together. I will thank him if I have the chance too."

"Time will heal, I am here with you."